Nutrition is important for all of us. Having the right Nutrition allows us to feed our body with what it needs to maintain and stay strong. Nutrition helps to rebuild our bodies as we live day by day, to repair cells, and to allow for rebuilding and creation of new cells.
Proper Nutrition is very important, and we all know we need to supplement our daily Nutrition as our food choices do not always contain the proper Nutrition. Plus, with the added stressors from work, the family, the everyday living; we need to be sure to balance and improve our Nutrition wherever possible.
This is why I strongly suggest a product that I have found, a product called Moringo Nutramatrix.
This is a product that should be consumed daily by EVERYONE! If you want the most out of your health, this is the way to do it.
“If you are familiar with Health and Nutrition, then you will love this product. If you are not, then you are going to learn about this product, and fall in love with it… After sitting down with several doctors from India that are sharing this product with their patients, families, friends, and spreading this to the deep parts of India (and hearing the effects and life changing results of this product and seeing photos) the product that is Moringo Nutramatrix, it is proven. It is my mission now to take this to as many people as I can. We in the US are a SICK Nation… heart disease, diabetes, cancer… and yet we have the ability to live longer and longer. It is about having quality of life, and I completely believe that this product (for all who take it) will make a huge difference in the quality of life. It is affordable, it has potency, and it works. This product is something that I have come to truly believe in… I am 100% convinced that if you try it, you too will believe and know that it is truly amazing, and that it should be taken by everyone. We need this. This product helps me everyday with my own health issues, both hereditary and other issues. From fatigue, depression and my overall health” -Tanya
Company Name: Moringo Organics
Brief background on this Company. This Company has been operating in India for the past 3+ years now. They have grown around a Low Cost Product, and Low Cost Entry into the Business Side of the Business. They are now expanding, first into the US. This is happening NOW. They are completely debt free, and have been ensuring that they can sustain the growth this product can create when consumers realize the health benefits from it.
Product Name: Moringo Nutramatrix Ingredients (CLICK HERE for Ingredients)
The product that is Moringo Nutramatrix is extremely beneficial for all that consume it. Its health benefits and results speak for themselves. Please review the Ingredient List. And most importantly, get it, take it daily… and within 2 weeks you will begin to feel and see the results in your health. We are living longer and longer, its time to make our quality of life and quality of health important NOW, to ensure our healthy futures. That is the ongoing benefit of Moringo Organics.
- Nourishes Body’s Immune System
- Helps the cell to nourish and help cleanse toxins out
- Triggers Metabolism
- High in antioxidant activity
- Promotes Mental and emotional balance
- Good for cardiac health and are known to boost healthy arteries and heart by enhancing blood circulation and preventing cholesterol buildup
- Protects from nerve damage, restore, rebuild nerve tissue
- Supports Normal Blood Glucose Levels
Revolutionary Breakthroughs
from Nature
Born from the need for high-quality and specially formulated health products, Moringo Organics caters to your desire for health and well-being. We combine traditional herbs with modern science to create breakthrough products for the benefit of mankind.
This is truly a product that anyone looking to have the best health possible, and for the longest quality of life possible; should be taking everyday.
Nutrition and the right Nutrition is what I feel this product Moringo Nutramatrix is all about.
One of the key ingredients in Moringo, other than the Moringa, is Shilajit. Some information about Shilajit include:
About 50 million years ago, the Indian continent collided into Asia and formed the Himalayan mountain range. As the mountains formed, tropical forests were crushed and compacted between massive boulders. The compressed forests gradually transformed into a nutrient- and mineral-rich biomass loaded with medicinal humicand fulvic acids. Now, every summer as the mountains warm, India’s most prized herbal remedy literally oozes from these biomass resins in the high mountain crevasses.
Known as Shilajit, this resinous and nutrient-rich biomass has been touted for millennia by Ayurveda’s Materia Medica as the best carrier of energy and nutrition into the human body. Modern science has recently proven this by identifying fulvic and humic acids, which are found in abundance in Shilajit, as the main substances responsible for energy production within the cell. (1) Science is just beginning to understand the implications of fulvic acid rich nutrients like Shilajit.
Known in India as the Destroyer of Weakness, Shilajit’s other primary component are DBPs (dibenzo alpha pyrones), which is the “energizer bunny component.”
It seems that via this component, Shilajit supports deep rejuvenation and energy production. In one study, participants took just 200mg of Shilajit each day for 15 days and the available energy in their blood after vigorous exercise was equivalent to the levels of available energy before starting exercise. That’s the “energizer bunny component” in action! (2)
Recent studies on Shilajit show that it delivers energy and nutrients to the cell at astonishing levels. In one study mice underwent strenuous exercise and had their energy (ATP) expenditure measured with and without Shilajit. The energy depleted twice as fast in the group that did not take the Shilajit. (3)
For thousands of years Shilajit has been used to help support:
- Energy
- Memory
- Mood
- Absorption of vital nutrients
- Enhanced potency and effectiveness of other nutrients
- Sharp intelligence
- Balanced blood sugar
- Efficient detoxification
- Optimal oxygenation and the body’s natural antioxidant response
Renew Your Cells
Shilajit is known for its ability to rejuvenate a cell by driving oxygen and nutrients into the cell (4) and supporting the body’s natural antioxidant activity, whereby the body rids itself of free radicals. (5)
Traditionally, Shilajit was described as a yoga vahi, meaning that whatever is taken with it will be enhanced due to Shilajit’s ability to bring any nutrient into solution and drive it into the cell.
In one study CoQ10, which boosts energy in heart, liver and kidney cells, was enhanced by 29% with the addition of Shilajit. (6)
Synergistic herbs to Shilajit are Ashwagandha (sometimes spelled Ashwaganda) and Amalaki. When added in small amounts to a Shilajit formula, these herbs naturally enhance and maximize Shilajit’s boons.
Taste (Rasa): Pungent, bitter, salty, astringent
Energy (Virya): Heating
Post-digestive quality (Vipaka): Pungent
Quality (Guna): Dry, heavy
Tissue (Dhatu): All the tissues
Channel (Srotas): Urinary, nervous, reproductive